Nitrox isn’t just a gas blend; it’s a valuable tool that enhances the enjoyment of your diving experience, similar to adding an extra piece of equipment to your dive kit. Upon completing the TDI Nitrox course and gaining experience through your initial nitrox dives, you’ll realize the significant value it brings. Nitrox becomes more than just a tool; it becomes a means to augment your dive planning and execution, offering invaluable options and flexibility. As you integrate nitrox into your diving repertoire, you’ll appreciate the enhanced possibilities and enriched underwater adventures it brings to your exploration.

The SDI Nitrox course specifically addresses the use of nitrox mixes in the range of 22% to 40% oxygen, which over the years has proven to be the most versatile and appropriate range of nitrox mixes, for traditional sport diving activities.


The use of Nitrox can offer great advantages over air when used correctly:

  • Longer bottom time
  • Shorter surface interval
  • Reduce the risk of decompression sickness.

SDI courses offered by Diving Cenotes

TDI, SDI’s technical diving sister agency, offers an extraordinarily wide range of technical diving courses. As a certified Nitrox Diver, you will already meet the prerequisites for several additional TDI programs. Don’t hesitate to contact us to learn more about our Technical diving programs.

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